• Characteristics

It is an all positional electrode having a a core wire of low melting point monel metal for cold welding cast iron without preheating and for getting a machinable weld on cast iron. The electrode gives a nickel-copper (monel) deposit.

    Designation of standards
  • AWS E Ni - CuB
Product Description
Building up of worn surfaces on Castings
Correcting of Machining Errors on Castings
Fabricating Cast Iron Machine Components
Filling up Casting Defects
C 0.35 to 0.55
Mn 1.5 to 2.3
Si 0.75
Ni 60 to 70
Cu 25 to 35
S 0.025 max
Diameter (mm) 2.5mm 3.15mm 4mm 5mm
Ampere 40 - 60 90 - 110 120 - 150 160 - 180